Violet Organization (Menekşe Organizasyon)
Violet Organization (Menekşe Organizasyon)
Violet Organization (Menekşe Organizasyon)

Violet Organization (Menekşe Organizasyon)

Violet responds to emergencies in Syria in most humanitarian sectors: Food Security and Livelihood, Non-food Items and Shelter, Education, Health, Protection, WASH & Shelter, and Camp Coordination and Management. Violet integrates the protection sector in all the aforementioned sectors. With the length of the conflict and the survival of people for long periods at stake, Violet’s response has had to not only be focused on the emergency response but on the immediate implementation of long-impact health and education sector projects in all of Idlib. Violet worked to establish and develop its organizational structure to start officially as an organization registered in Turkey in 2014. Accordingly, Violet divided the work into key sectors that mimic the divisions of international humanitarian organizations and implemented the appropriate structure for all departments and staff.

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