Tips for Job Seekers – CV & Cover Letter Preparation Tips

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Tips for Job Seekers – CV & Cover Letter Preparation Tips

Tips for Job Seekers – CV & Cover Letter Preparation Tips
  • Include a Cover Letter: Always write and send a cover letter along with your CV when applying for jobs. Make sure the cover letter doesn’t look like a generic letter; it should feel personalized for that particular organization.

  • Detail Your Experience: Describe your job/internship experiences in a few sentences on your CV. Don’t just list the name of the organization and your role. Employers want to know exactly what you did at the organizations where you interned or worked.

  • Pay Attention to Format: In addition to the content, pay attention to the format of your CV. Ensure proper alignment and avoid leaving too much empty space. A CV that is both well-organized and visually appealing will set you apart.

  • Use a Professional Photo: Use only a passport-sized photo on your CV. Avoid using photos taken in various settings or cropped from group photos. For example, do not include your Facebook photos in your CV.

  • List Experiences in Reverse Chronological Order: When describing your work experience, list your most recent job first, and make sure to prepare the dates in reverse chronological order. Apply the same chronological order for other sections of your CV, such as certifications and events you’ve participated in.

  • What Should Be in the Cover Letter? Start your cover letter by briefly introducing yourself. Discuss your academic and professional background. Next, briefly explain why you are interested in the company you are applying to. If applying for a specific position, explain in a few sentences why you are suitable for that role. If you are making a general application, indicate which departments you are interested in working in. At the end of your cover letter, request an interview. Keep your cover letter to one page. Letters slightly longer than half a page are ideal. Remember, company representatives may not have much time to read and evaluate every application thoroughly.

  • Highlight Your Unique Qualities: When describing your hobbies and interests on your CV, highlight what makes you different in your activities. Simply listing common activities won’t make you stand out. Explain why you are interested in those activities and what role they play in your life. For example, instead of just ‘reading books,’ describe the types of books you read, why you enjoy them, and instead of just ‘theater,’ detail the types of plays you prefer, any roles you’ve had, activities related to theater you’ve participated in, and any training or performances you’ve had.

  • Email Address Matters: Remember that your email address is an important detail on your CV. Opt for a simple email address that includes your name and surname. For example: instead of using addresses like, choose an email address that includes your name.

  • Specify Language Proficiency: When listing your foreign language proficiency, specify the criteria used for rating your skills. Include any relevant exam results, school, or course information related to your language skills in your CV.

  • Tailor Your CV: Revise your CV for each position you apply for. Select your words accordingly and highlight the qualities that match the job criteria. Remember, how you present your experiences and aspirations is as important as the experiences themselves!

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