Our Policy on Processing of Personal Data

This"Informational Notification" is published by AB AKADEMİ A.Ş (ABAKADEMİ - "ab-ilan.com and gelbasla.com brand owner"), inaccordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (GDPR),within the framework of Article 10 "Clarification Obligation of DataResponsible" and Article 11 "Rights of the person concerned";with the purpose to provide information and get your approval on which personaldata will be processed, who can transfer your personal data to whom and forwhat purpose, the method of collecting your personal data and the legal reason,and your other rights mentioned in Article 11 of the GDPR. We are committed toprotecting the confidentiality and security of the personal data you provide tous. In this respect, we take all necessary technical and administrativesecurity measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access,damage, loss or disclosure.

Thedata that may be subject to processing by us is as follows:

Identity Data:                  Name, Surname, TR ID Number,Date of Birth, Marital

                                       Status,Copy of ID Card

ContactData:                     Phone, e-mailaddress, business address, home address,

FinancialData:                   Bank Account Information, Credit CardInformation,

BusinessData:                   Company name,department, profession, title, signature                                                 circular, tax plate

Visualand Audio Data:       Personal audio andvideo recordings, photograph

WebsiteUsage data:          User Mousemovements, site activities


ABAKADEMİ A.Ş. operates as a "Private Employment Bureau"with its registered trademarks www.ab-ilan.com and www.gelbasla.comand provides brokerage services within the scope of employment managementservices between vacant positions and employers. In order for the service to beexecuted and for the legitimate interests of the company, we request personaldata to be submitted us from you and/or from other representatives/employees ofyour company in physical or electronic form, by entering data on our platformsand by registering information on internet that is open to the access of 3rdpersons.

Dueto the legitimate interest of the company in providing support services to itscustomers, data is collected through voice recordings during your telephoneconversations.

Dueto the legitimate interest of the Company in developing its platform and makingit more effective, your personal data is collected electronically via cookiesused on our website as detailed in our Cookie Policy.

Forwhat purposes do we collect your data?

Weas AB AKADEMİ A.Ş. in the capacity of Data Collector, in order to betterserve our customers when they share their personal data with us, our companywill obtain, record, save, update the personal data for the purpose of ourcontinuing service, reorganize the data, share with third parties in accordancewith all legislation, including but not limited to the Turkish Commercial Codeno. 6102, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (GDPR), Labor LawNo. 4857, and Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, transfer, share and process in otherways as permitted by the law.

Thesepersonal data; In order to benefit from the services we offer as  AB AKADEMİ A.Ş. in accordance withyour expressed consent or in accordance with the legal legislation we aresubject to and in other cases provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of theGDPR provided that they are not used outside the specified purposes andconcepts that were determined by this Information on Protection of PersonalData, will be processed by taking necessary data security measures and storedfor the duration of the legal storage or as required by the processing purpose.

Collectedpersonal data:

Personaldata provided directly by you to AB AKADEMİ A.Ş.

Allthe information and documents you submitted to us

Personaldata collected from third parties about you: AB AKADEMİ A.Ş. collaboratinginstitutions and organizations or customers with the information and documentscollected from official institutions such as Turkey Employment Agency

Personaldata we collect through cookies and similar technologies

Yourpersonal data may be collected automatically or non-automatically, by writtenor verbal means, or electronic platforms through the General Directorate of ourCompany, our Company and/or our contracted corporate websites and other similarchannels.


a)   Supportingthe Employer Client and communicating with the Employer Client under theService Agreement

b)    Contract formation

c)     Submission of the proposals

d)    Control of the contract, data andrights, and informing the customer at the request of the Employer Client

e)    Providing the invoice (e-invoice,E-archive, paper invoice) to the taxpayer

f)     Opening of the current card,questioning the obligation

g)    Registration of the employerclient, creating, updating, deactivating the user name

h)    Management and control of billingand payment process

i)     Budget management and reporting

j)      To make the customer'sright/unfair distinction in Employer Client complaints, to increase customersatisfaction, to understand customer needs and to improve customer relatedprocesses

k)    Quality control and servicequality improvement

l)     Ensuring that a new contract canbe established with the Employer Client whose contract expired

m)  Employer Client satisfactionanalysis

n)    Answering incoming calls andsupport processes that we integrate with the Call Center supplier

o)    Ensuring the availability of thesatisfaction analysis product and conducting the satisfaction analysis of theEmployer Client employee for the relevant Employer Client

p)    To contact the former EmployerClient authorities and to investigate the reason for not to work with theCompany

q)    Online sales, sales and tele-salesand contact with the Employer Client to provide this

r)     Provision of bulk electronicmessage management

s)    Market interpretation, sales,marketing analysis, managerial analysis, financing planning

t)     Interpretation of site use

u)    Ensuring the Employer Clientdatabase to work properly

v)    Ensuring the continuation ofresearch and development activities

Who do weshare your personal data with?

Our company can shareyour personal data only pursuant to the express consent of the Personal DataHolders or in other circumstances in accordance with the legislation we aresubject to and the GDPR Art. 5/f.2 in accordance with the security andconfidentiality principles specified in the GDPR, with our group companies,direct/indirect domestic/international business partners, subcontractorsproviding IT support, customers, suppliers, business partners, audit companies,or public institutions or organizations authorized to request such data as alegal requirement, share with other relevant authorities for the purpose ofconducting business activities domestically and abroad on the condition oftaking the necessary security measures, ensuring the business relationshipbetween the data owners and our customers and/or with the aim of conductinginterviews, providing services, opportunities and facilities and increasingservice quality.

What are your rights?

It is important thatthe personal data we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date. So please letus know when a change occurs in your personal data.

Without prejudice tothe provisions of Article 28 of the GDPR titled "Exceptions", andwithin the scope of your rights under Article 11 of the Act; by contacting ourcompany, you have the following rights regarding your personal data;

a.   to learnwhether it is processed,

b.   requestinginformation about your personal data if it is processed,

c.    to knowthe purpose of processing your personal data and if they are used accordingly,

d.   to knowthe third parties in which your personal data is transferred domestically orabroad,

e.   requestingcorrection of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

f.     requestthe deletion or destruction of your personal data in accordance with theprovisions of Article 7 of the Law,

g.    to requestthe notification of transactions done in accordance with the above-mentionedparagraphs (d) and (e) to the third parties to which your personal data istransferred,

h.   to objectto the emergence of a negative result because of your personal data beinganalyzed exclusively by automated systems

i.     to claimdamages for the losses you incur due to unlawful processing of your personaldata.

The requests in thiscontext shall be made in writing in accordance with the Personal Data ProtectionAct. No: 6698. You can apply in person with your ID documents and a petitionletter for the right you want to claim to the address of our company in TahranCaddesi No: 6 D: 5 Kavaklıdere-Ankara or send us via a notary.

Personal data holder,before making a transaction on the website that belongs to AB AKADEMİ A.Ş.,accepts and declares that he/she read and irrevocably accepted the PersonalData Protection Policy Statement above, and that it shall be deemed to haveapproved the processing and sharing of the personal data by doing transactionson the internet page and the website.

You cansubmit your application to our Company by filling in the application form onthe Company's website, by secure electronic signature, mobile signature or byusing your e-mail address which you have previously informed us and has beensaved in our records. Depending on the nature of your request and the method ofapplication, you may be asked by the Company to determine whether theapplication belongs to you so that your rights can be protected, and additionalverification (such as sending messages to your registered phone or by calling)may be required. For example, if you apply through the e-mail addressregistered with the Company, we may contact you by using another communicationmethod registered in the Company and we may ask you to confirm whether theapplication is yours.